Form 28 see rules 54, 581, 3 and 4 application and grant of no objection certificate to be made in quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hirepurchase lease hypothecation, in duplicate copy, the triplicate copy and the quadruplicate copy with the endorsement of the registering authority to be returned to the. Take all these listed documents with you and you will be able to transfer the ownership of the vehicle without much issue. You need to submit duly filled copies of these forms to the rto in order to complete the car sale process. On part 1 of the rto form 28, we need to fill details like name of the owner, address of the owner, present registered authority details, vehicle registration number, tax payment details and class of the vehicle. Form 30 see rules 55 2 and 3 application for intimation and transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle to be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire. By registered post or deliver under proper acknowledgement. Form 28, 29, 30, 35 rto documents required for sale of used car.
Different types of rto form is required for different rto work. Form 30 see rule 55 2 and 3 application for intimation and tr an sfer of ownership of a motor vehi cl e to be made in duplicate if the vehic le is he ld under an agreement of hirepurchase lease hypo theca tion. You need to submit duly filled copies of form 28, 29, 30 and 35 to the rto in order to officially complete the used car sale process. Form for intimation and transfer of ownership of vehicle, size.
These forms, which include form 28, 29, 30 and 35, can be downloaded vahan website or are even available offline at your local rto. Form 28, 29, 30, 35 rto documents required for sale of. Application for intimation and transfer of ownership of a. Application for grant of no objection certificatefillable pdf which you can fill before print on your pc laptop. Notice of transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle. Form 23 and 24, in such manner that the part of impression of seal or stamp and attestation shall fall upon each signature. To be made in quadruplicate if the vehicle is held. Below is the comprehensive list of all major rto forms for license, transfer of ownership, noc, new car registration, buying second hand car etc. You can download this form from the official website of the.
Form 29 see rule 551 notice of transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle to be made in duplicate and the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the registering authority to be returned to the transferee or immediately on making entries of transfer of ownership in certificate of registration and form 24 to. Form 28 see rules 54,58 1, 3 and 4 application and grant of no objection certificate to be made in quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire. These forms are available in the local rto office but if you want them online they can be. Form 28 see rules 54, 581, 3 an d 4 application and gr ant o f no objection certificate to be made in quadruplicate if the ve hic le is he ld under an agreement of hirepurchase lease hypoth eca tion, in dup licate co py, the triplica te co py and the qu adruplicate co py wi th the e nd orsement of the registering authority to be. Rto form 28,29,30 transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle. Form 28 application and grant of no objection certificate see rule 54, 58 1, 3 and 4 to be made in quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire. Specimen signature or thumb impression of the person to be registered as registered owner. Form of assignment of new registration mark on removal of a vehicle to another state, size. Detailed guide for rent receipts for hra and tax saving. Form of application for no objection certificate and grant of certificate.
To be made in duplicate and the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the. Form 30 see rule 552 and 3 report of transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle part i for the use of the transferer to be made in duplicate if the vehicle is. Rto form number 1,1a,2,3,4,lld for license to 20,21,22,34 for new car registration. How to fill out form 30 for ownership transfer quora.
Form 30 for ownership transfer is a very simple selfexplanatory document that can filled out easily. Specimen signatures of the financier specimen signatures of. Download rto forms 28,29,30 for application to transfer of ownership of motor vehicle. Form 28 see rules 54, 581, 3 and 4 application and.
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